Welcome to RMSA/RMDT Studios!
We are glad you are a part of our studio family. We have over 100 students so to help everything run smoothly and keep everyone safe; here are some things we would like you and you student to know:
- Everyone should download our FREE studio app for easy access to calendars, link your personal parent portal account to app under "my account", and stay up to date with important push notifications. Click here to download & learn more.
- Anyone can have snacks at the studio or purchase snacks in the dance store when it's open BUT PLEASE keep ALL snacks at the picnic tables AND clean up after yourself.
- Students need to bring a water bottle. Cups will NOT be provided. Please be sure water bottles are labeled or personalized in some way.
- Students can purchase snacks or merchandise in the dance store BUT MUST have parents’ permission to charge it to accounts.
- When you filled out your yearly liability form via portal, there was a section in which to check yes or no to charging. If you need to make a change or do not know what you checked, you can see/update this in your "My Account" on your studio app.
- FYI; the dance store does have a 2 snacks per day purchase limit.
- If a student has money, they will be allowed to purchase snacks/merchandise. All purchases charged or paid with cash will be listed in your family account.
- When you filled out your yearly liability form via portal, there was a section in which to check yes or no to charging. If you need to make a change or do not know what you checked, you can see/update this in your "My Account" on your studio app.
- Students are allowed to go in our fenced back yard BUT DO NOT climb the table, tree, or the fence.
- Check calendars for all class/lesson/rehearsal SCHEDULES. Generally, classes do start and end on time so please arrive with enough time for your student to get ready and be prompt when picking up.
- If needed, students can hang out in the commons, lobby, or gated backyard before or after class BUT NO running, tag, hide & seek, aerobics, chair hopping, or loud commotions.
- RMSA/RMDT is not responsible for students outside of class/rehearsals.
- Studio Dance rooms are off limits until the teacher calls students in for class.
- Younger/older siblings can come to the studio during classes BUT they MUST have adult supervision.
- If a sibling is not registered for classes they CANNOT ride the bus to the studio unless they will be supervised by a parent, grandparent, or guardian when the bus arrives.
- There is a studio phone in the commons you can use BUT ONLY if it is an emergency. It is not for personal use outside of contacting parents/guardians or students.
- You can pet the dogs, Emerson and Sawyer, BUT DO NOT corner them or feed them and if they walk away do not chase after them. (Please DO NOT leave food out or bags open that they can get into)
- We have a lost and found in the dance store BUT please keep all items in your bags and academy dancers need to take dance bags with them INTO classes to avoid losing things.
- Any coats should be hung ON the hooks
- School bags should be CLOSED and placed ON the bench under the hooks.
- Street shoes should be placed nicely UNDER bench.
- Dressing rooms & bathrooms are there to do the appropriate things, they are not hangout or play areas.
- The studio is deep cleaned once a week and picked up throughout the week; please do your part in helping keep it clean by picking up after yourself and be respectful of the facility.
- IF items do run out in the bathroom there is a storage closet with paper products at the end of the hallway by the "backyard" door.
- Any students waiting for pick up need to wait inside (not outside) as our parking lot is a busy place. They can see cars drive up through the entrance lobby windows and doors.
- For tap dancers safety, tap shoes should NOT be worn on any tile floors.
- The blue stretch area in the commons is ONLY for dancers in Academy 4 and up; no exceptions.
Health Guidelines
If your child is sick, exhibiting signs of illness such as but not limited to coughing, sore throat, and/or fever, or have been in contact with someone who has been exposed or has COVID-19, they are not allowed to attend classes or rehearsals until symptoms have passed or if exposed to COVID-19 until fourteen days have passed or they have been tested for COVID-19.
- All studio DANCE classrooms will be equipped with live-streaming capabilities. If your child cannot attend DANCE classes or rehearsals due to these guidelines, they will be expected to join class through live streaming. We will soon be equipped with live streaming capabilities in each dance studio. We strongly suggest preparing for on-line classes now by setting up live streaming capabilities at home. Please contact 307-250-5739 if missing a class and online class information/links will be provided. Live streaming can be done with a phone, iPad, computer, or smart t.v.
- Plans for Music & Piano classes will be determined by Miss Cindi and families.
As a studio family, please help enforce and gently remind each other of these! Let's have a great year together.
Stay up to date on Studio news & happenings by following us on:
Facebook @rmsarmdt
Instagram @rmsarmdt
#rmsadance #rmsamusic #rockymountainschoolofthearts
#rockymountaindancetheatre #codynutcracker #rmdtspringcompany
LinkedIn @rockymountainschoolofthearts AND @rocky-mountain-dance-theatre
For our RMSA/RMDT DANCE families we do have a private dance parent’s page that you can request to join; it’s a great resource for any questions you may have and to stay alerted with the many different dance schedules, performances, etc. search for “rocky mountain school of the arts dance parents page”