RMSA Dance Attire Requirements


Specific types of shoes & attire is important for the different styles of dance RMSA teaches.

  • The right type of attire helps dancers move properly. Proper attire also helps our instructors see body lines and if dancers are moving correctly.
  • Dance Tights (are cut/made different than dress tights) help keep muscles warm which can prevent injury and also helps instructors to see movement of legs clearer.
  • Having hair pulled back and out of eyes prevents distraction of hair being in the way and the need for dancers to play with or move hair out their face. It also allows proper movement of the neck, head, arms, and hands which is important in dance. 
  • Just like with swimming suites, properly fitted dance attire is made to be worn without undergarments (ie bras & underwear) underneath and this is a universal dance norm. It is not appealing to see dancers with underwear sticking out and is quite distracting. For more information on this read HERE and HERE

All dance attire (with the exception of some male attire) and all shoes (the exception of hip hop) can be purchased or special ordered at our RMSA dance store. Please do NOT purchase tights at walmart or dance shoes online or at department/big box stores as the quality and design of the shoe can hinder the dancer and make it more difficult for a student to progress in class. We try to keep our prices competitive and appreciate the business.

Please note: if a dancer comes to class not wearing appropriate dance clothes/shoes, they will be asked to change or wear something from our unclaimed lost and found. If nothing can be found that fits them they will be asked to sit and watch the class. Students that miss or have to sit out three or more classes may have a diminished role in upcoming performances. 

DANCE BAGS: Dance shoes should NOT be worn outside for any reason. We ask that every dance student has a closable bag/backpack/small duffel that fits their dance items and is designated JUST for dance items. Academy students are expected to bring their dance bags WITH THEM INTO every class so that shoes/items are not misplaced and everything they need is with them when they need it. Early Childhood dancers are not to bring dance bags into class with them but we ask that they do have a dance bag so they get use to having one. 

Absolutely NO:

  • NO NUDE BODY LINERS. Liners should be worn under costumes, not as a standalone leotard.
  • NO gymnastics or ice-skating leotards as they are cut differently
  • NO crop tops/sport bras or bralettes worn as tops
  • NO sport shorts (females)
  • NO socks (females in ballet)
  • NO nude/tan tights (performances only)
  • NO tutus or tulle skirts
  • NO coats, sweatshirts, or street clothes
  • Females: NO tshirts (in ballet)
  • NO Tshirts with any logos other than RMSA/RMDT (in other dance styles)
  • NO jewelry (aside from earring studs) and nothing on wrists. (this includes no iwatches)
  • NO undergarments (ie bras & underwear). Properly fitted dance attire is made to be worn without these items. For more information on this read HERE and HERE

Early Childhood Classes

  • Dance Bag
  • Label ALL dance shoes & dance clothing with dancers name as best as you can
    • Girls
      • PINK ballet shoes (slippers or black ballet shoes are not permitted)
      • BLACK tap shoes
      • Solid LIGHT PINK or BLACK dance leotard
        • No gymnastics leotard as they are cut differently
        • No tan/nude body liners
      • PINK footed dance tights (must cover feet, black or nude/tan tights are NOT permitted)
      • Hair pulled back into secure bun ONLY, out of neck, and out of eyes (including bangs)
      • Optional: BLACK or LIGHT PINK ballet specific chiffon or mesh pull-on or attached skirt (no ties as they tend to cause distraction. No tutus, tulle, or frills)
      • Optional: BLACK or LIGHT PINK dance sweater (no coats or sweatshirts even if it’s cold)
      • Please note: we love our little princesses but please help us by leaving accessories like removable jewelry and tiaras at home as they are very distracting and are not allowed.
    • Boys
      • Plain white t-shirt
      • Black sweatpants/shorts/tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
      • Black ballet shoes (black socks)
      • Black tap shoes (black socks)

Early Childhood SUMMER DANCE:

Please notice summer Early Childhood Dance only has ballet, therefore Early Childhood dancers only need ballet shoes along with their dance attire.

ALL Academy Classes

  • Dance Bag
  • Label ALL dance shoes & dance clothing with dancers name as best as you can
  • Please understand, ballet attire takes precedence over any other dance attire. IF your dancer has ballet class the same day as other dance styles and does not have a break between classes; they should have ballet attire for the day. IF dancers are quick; keeping the leotard on as a base; they can switch out skirts/shorts, etc. between classes.
  • Once reach Ac 3 do expect dancers wear NO undergarments (ie bras & underwear) as this is a dance norm. Properly fitted dance attire is made to be worn without these items. For more information on this read HERE and HERE

Academy 1-2B Ballet

  • Girls
    • PINK ballet shoes
    • PINK footed ballet tights
      • Absolutely NO nude/tan color tights
    • BLACK or Light Pink color, dance specific leotard
      • NO gymnastic or ice staking leotards as these are cut differently
      • No tan/nude body liners (these are to be worn under costumes for performances)
    • Hair: all pulled back, out of neck, out of eyes and in secure BUNS (no bangs)
      • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag
    • Optional:
      • BLACK or LIGHT PINK Pull-0n Ballet specific chiffon or mesh dance skirt (they lay flat and close to body); no tutus or tulle skirts
        • Academy 1, 1b, 2, 2b- pull on skirts ONLY (no tie skirts as they tend to cause a distraction)
      • BLACK or LIGHT PINK Garbage Bag Dance specific shorts- (NO jazz, gymnastic, or bike shorts.)
        • no built in shorts; if shorts are part of the leotard this is a gymnastic leo.
      • BLACK or LIGHT PINK Dance specific sweater (no sweatshirts or coats even if it’s cold)
      • Leg Warmers
        • NOT allowed for Ac 1, 1b, 2, or 2b as they are too distracting
  • Boys:
    • Plain white t-shirt
    • Black sweatpants/shorts/black or white tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
    • Black ballet shoes or white ballet shoes with thin white socks

Academy 3-4b Ballet

    • Girls
      • PINK ballet shoes
      • PINK footed ballet tights (Ac 3 and up can get adaptatoe/convertible tights)
        • Absolutely NO nude/tan color tights
        • Black tights are acceptable but pink is preferred.
      • BLACK SOLID color, dance specific leotard
        • Solid color with mesh print is acceptable.
        • NO gymnastic or ice staking leotards as these are cut differently
        • No tan/nude body liners (these are to be worn under costumes for performances)
      • Hair: all pulled back, out of neck, out of eyes and in secure BUNS (no bangs)
        • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag
      • Optional:
        • BLACK dance specific chiffon or mesh skirt (they lay flat and close to body); no tutus or tulle skirts
          • tie skirts are permitted
        • BLACK Garbage Bag Dance specific shorts- (NO jazz, gymnastic, or bike shorts.)
          • no built in shorts; if shorts are part of the leotard this is a gymnastic leo.
        • BLACK or LIGHT PINK Dance specific sweater (no sweatshirts or coats even if it’s cold)
        • Leg Warmers
          • Ac 3, 3b, 4, 4b, 5, 5b solid colors, no stripes allowed
    • Boys:
      • Plain white t-shirt
      • Black sweatpants/shorts/black or white tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
      • Black ballet shoes or white ballet shoes with thin white socks

Academy 1 – 4b Tap

    • Girls
      • Ac 1-3B; NUDE tap shoes
      • Ac 4+; BLACK tap shoes
      • Ballet Attire
        • If only taking Tap class (not ballet) solid black leggings and solid black tight tank top/t-shirt/rmsa tshirt
          • No sweatpants or baggy clothing; NO street clothes
        • Pink Tights or Black tights permitted (no nude tights)
      • All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun
        • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag
    • Boys:
      • Plain white or black or rmsa/rmdt t-shirt
      • Black sweatpants/shorts/tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
      • Black tap shoes

Academy 1-4b Jazz

  • Girls
    • NUDE jazz shoes
    • ONLY Ac 4 and 4b will also need Character shoes (color TBD)
    • Ballet Attire
      • OR solid black leggings and solid black tight tank top/t-shirt or RMSA/RMDT tshirt worn over leotards
      • No sweatpants or baggy clothing; NO street clothes
      • Pink Tights or Black tights permitted (nude tights are only for jazz performances)
    • All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun
      • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag
  • Boys:
    • Plain white or black or RMSA/RMDT t-shirt
    • Black sweatpants/shorts/tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
    • Black jazz shoes


Academy 1-4b Hip Hop

  • NON MARKING Jazz sneakers or tennis shoes with FLAT (no tread) soles with no lights (can NOT be worn outside). Foam soles are best.
  • Ac 1 – Ac 4b: Hip Hop class is a duel discipline class with Jazz; wear Jazz attire
  • Females: All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun
    • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag

Academy 3+ Contemporary

  • Bare feet or BLACK socks
    • Convertible/Adaptatoe tights are a great option as dancers can easily convert their tights for ballet class.
  • Ballet attire
    • OR solid black leggings and solid black, tight fitting tank/t-shirt, or RMSA/RMDT black tshirt
  • Females: All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun
    • extra hair bands, clips and bobby pins for bag


With summer dance classes being various disciplines on the same day and back to back, please wear appropriate ballet attire for all summer dance classes as there is not time to change clothes between classes. Convertible/adaptatoe tights, and/or black color tights are permitted and are good options for students who are ALSO taking jazz, tap, hip hop, and contemporary classes in addition to ballet. Ballet skirts can be easily be removed after ballet and dance shorts can be worn during jazz, hip hop, and contemporary.

Academy 5 – Advance Classes

  • Dance Bag
  • Label ALL dance shoes & dance clothing with dancers name as best as you can

Ac 5-Adv Ballet

  • Girls
    • Pink ballet & pink pointe shoes
      • booties if wearing pointe shoes around the studio & backstage for performances
    • Pink or black ballet tights
      • Absolutely NO nude tights
    • Solid color dance specific leotard- any color
      • Solid color with mesh print is acceptable.
    • Hair pulled back in a bun and out of eyes; extra hair bands for bag
    • Optional:
      • Garbage Bag dance shorts or pants- any color
        • NO Under Armor, Nike, etc.
      • Ballet specific chiffon skirt- any color
      • Dance specific sweater or RMDT Sp Co Jacket
        • NO sweaters or coats even if it’s cold
      • Leg Warmers
        • Solid colors, no stripes allowed
  • Boys:
    • Plain white t-shirt
    • Black sweatpants/shorts/black or white tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
    • Black ballet shoes or white ballet shoes with thin white socks

Ac 5- Adv Jazz and Tap


  • Girls
    • Nude jazz shoes
    • Nude Character Shoes
    • Black tap shoes
    • Ballet Attire OR BLACK leggings and BLACK tight solid color tank top/t-shirt or RMSA/RMDT tshirt
      • No sweatpants or baggy clothing
    • All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun
  • Boys:
    • Plain white or black or rmsa/rmdt t-shirt
    • Black sweatpants/shorts/tights (boy tights are different than girl tights; they are thicker and not see through)
    • Black tap shoes
    • Black jazz shoes

Ac 5 – Advance Hip Hop 

  • Jazz sneakers or tennis shoes with non-marking FLAT (no tread) soles (can NOT be worn outside)
  • Loose clothing you can move in freely, baggy is fine
    • OR dance clothing worn for jazz class

Ac 5 – Advance Contemporary

  • Bare feet or solid BLACK socks
  • SOLID BLACK Leggings and SOLID BLACK tight fitting solid color tank/ t-shirt or RMSA/RMDT tshirt
    • NO sweatpants or baggy clothing
  • All hair pulled back, out of neck, and out of eyes into a secure ponytail or bun

Recreational / Adult Classes

  • Clothing- anything easy to move in but not too baggy and you wont step on. No pajama pants please.
    • Ballet Females: Dance leotards, chiffon ballet skirts or garbage bag shorts/pants, & pink or black tights are welcome but optional.
    • Ballet Males: plain white tshirt with black pants are welcome but optional.
  • Shoes- correct shoes for each style; color does not matter.
    • Traditionally for ballet: pink are female and black are male with black socks
    • Traditionally for adult tap: flat-black, lace up