Access for All
Dream to Dance and Play
Rocky Mountain Dance Theatre, 501-c(3), is passionate about The Arts and desires everyone have the ability experience dance, music, and cultural performances. With this in mind, RMDT has set up several different Access for All Programs these provide RMSA scholarships for dance or piano instruction and offers school aged children to attend live Nutcracker performances at no cost to them.

Group from Thermopolis
Access For All Program
Part of Rocky Mountain Dance Theatre’s Access for All Program gives young people in our community and the surrounding areas the opportunity to attend a professional theater production at no charge to them. For over ten years, we have ensured the local elementary schools in Cody and surrounding area elementary schools (Burlington, Cowley, Greybull, Lovell, Manderson, Meeteetse, Powell, Worland and as far as Ten Sleep & Thermopolis) have the opportunity to learn about and experience a live dance performance.

filing into the Auditorium
Rocky Mountain Dance Theatre’s two school performances of the Nutcracker Ballet every December reach approximately 1,200 elementary school children each year. By partnering with local schools, we ensure that no child is denied the opportunity to witness the performance because of transportation or other constraints. We provide teachers with resources and activity ideas to share with their students before attending the performance. Our hope is to engage this young audience by creating an understanding of the Nutcracker story and professional ballet audience etiquette. Living in rural Wyoming, many children experience their first live performance with professional stage production through RMDT's Access for All Program. We believe this access to the arts has the unique potential to encourage creativity and inspire young children.
Any schools interested in attending should email [email protected]
To make a donation to help fund
Access for All:

Scholarship Support
Bob Kaelberer Scholarship
The Bob Kaelberer Scholarship Fund grants money to current dancers or pianist who may not have the means to continue classes/lessons. The fund is designed for low-income earners or families who are currently enrolled at Rocky Mountain School of the Arts. Although all are welcome to apply, The Bob Kaelberer Scholarship is designed for low-income Park County residents.
To make a donation to the
Bob Kaelberer Scholarship Fund:

Dream to Dance Scholarship
At RMDT/RMSA we believe all students should have the opportunity to try dance no matter financial circumstance. Dream to Dance Scholarship is designed for children who are not currently enrolled in any dance program, but have a desire to experience dance class firsthand. Although all are welcome to apply, Dream to Dance Scholarship is designed for low-income Park County residents.