Parent/Guardian Info Masterpieces of Ballet and Spring Production
2025 Information
Volunteers needed
2025 Spring Performance Videos
orders due May 12
Purchase Tickets
on sale to public April 1
Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
see your dancers calendar/notes for times
Performance: Thursday, May 8, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Masterpieces of Ballet includes ALL ballet classes except Early Childhood Dance. Please check calendar for detailed scheduling. Each ballet class (except Early Childhood) is in one of the following ballet excerpts:
- Coppelia: ALL ballet Academies 1 and up and RMDT Spring Company
To read and learn about this years ballets see here.
(Day of performance: Academies 1-4 should arrive at 6:00 for cast call but no earlier; performance begins at 6:30)
Dress Rehearsal: Friday, May 9, 2025
see your dancers calendar/notes for times
2025 Performances: Saturday, May 10; 7:00 & Sunday, May 11; 4:00
Spring Production includes Early Childhood classes (ballet only), all lower academy Jazz classes, all lower academy Tap classes, all lower academy Hip Hop classes, lower Contemporary classes will perform BUT NOT ALL CLASSES PERFORM BOTH NIGHTS!
Which night does your child perform:
- Saturday, May 10- Early Childhood 5 YO Dance, Academy 2 & 2B Tap/Jazz/HH, Academy 3 & 3b Tap/Jazz/HH/Contemporary, RMDT Spring Company
- Sunday, May 11- Early Childhood 3/4 YO Dance, Academy 1 & 1B Tap/Jazz/HH/Contemporary, Ac 4b Tap/Jazz/HH/Contemporary, RMDT Spring Company
(Day of Performance: Early Childhood Dancers should arrive 15 minutes before performance time but not earlier for cast call; Academies 1-4 should arrive at 30 minutes for cast call but not earlier. See above & calendars for performance start times.
Mandatory Performance Attire
*Costumes will be handed out at each class sometime before performances; to all students with paid accounts. (parents will be notified via app push notification when to start expecting costumes to come home). Please make sure dancers to NOT play in these costumes and keep costumes out of reach of pets. After performances (unless borrowed) they are yours to keep.
**Stage make up should be applied at home and lightly (foundation, mascara, light blush, mauve lipstick- no eye shadow) Stage Make up is to enhance our dancers natural beauty, not overwhelm as stage lights can wash dancers out.
2025 Specific Costume guidelines are listed; click buttons above.
Other Important Costuming Notes:
- If your female dancer has more than 1 costume they MUST have a body liner (leotard the color of their skin) for quick & easy costume changes.
- we strongly encourage bodyliners for Early Childhood dancers and those older with only one costume too. Sometimes costumes can be itchy and irritating so this helps to create a barrier when wearing costumes, makes bathroom breaks much easier, and while backstage, they can wear their bodyliners instead of the costume the whole time.
- ALL Females: it is a universal norm that females do NOT wear underwear under bodyliners/leotards & tights during dance classes, dress rehearsals, or performances. Dance wear is intended to be worn without this as it is not appealing to see dancers with underwear sticking out and is quite distracting. For more information on this read HERE and HERE
- Costumes with the "fluffy tulle" skirt need to be prepped before the dance pictures and/or performance so they fluff out and lay nice. Simply soak JUST THE TULLE part of the skirt in HOT water for 20 seconds, shake out, hang upside-down, and relay the layers so they lay nice. Let hang upside down till dry in a safe place. NOTE: During this process, do your best to keep the other parts of the costume dry so they don't get water marks.
- Unless specified in the costume spreadsheet (see button above), ALL tights should be footed dance tights with NO holes, runs, etc.
- ALL Jazz & Tap costumes are the same.
- Stickers MUST be removed from all dance shoes.
- NO light up shoes for Hip Hop.
RMSA Dance Store Hours during performance week: see dance store calendar
Join our RMSA/RMDT Dance Parents Facebook Page; where you can get reminders, stay up to date, and ask questions.
Important Notes on Dress Rehearsals & Performances
When we are rehearsing, performing on a professional stage, and getting ready/waiting backstage there are a few things to know:
- Ballet Females: There are many different ways on how to make a ballerina bun. Only requirement for ballet buns is that all hair, including bangs and baby hairs, are slicked back, secure, and nothing will fall out as a dancer dances. Feel free to google other ways to make ballet buns for your child's hair type. Here are 2 options for those with thin hair:
- Sock bun-
- Plastic donut bun-
- To keep your dancers things together at dress rehearsals & backstage, we encourage parents to make sure names are marked on ALL items and to bring a labeled laundry basket or something similar that everything can fit in. Label the basket with your dancers name AND the academy/level they are in.
- Dancers should NOT wear any costumes or dance shoes to dress rehearsals or performances.
- FOOD or DRINKS ARE NOT ALLOWED in the auditorium OR backstage at any time.
- water bottles WITH WATER is permitted; please label.
- Dancers SHOULD NOT HAVE ON nor BRING: nail polish, temporary tattoos, jewelry (including earrings), food- of ANY kind, or gum.
DRESS REHEARSALS are extremely important for not only the dancers but the stage crew and instructors. There is a lot to work out and put together so that the show is the best it can be. Parents and dancers can help it run smoothly and on time by: having all items you need like correct shoes, being on time to your rehearsal slot, if you're not on stage- remaining seated quietly towards the front-- this way you can see what's going on and hear when it's your turn, and keeping voices down. We know rehearsals can run long but it is very distracting and disrespectful to have kids rolling down aisles, running through the auditorium, and climbing over seats. Dancers on stage need to be able to hear teachers instructions, and directors need to be able to communicate with stage crew, etc. We also ask that, just like during a performance, if younger siblings need to be there too; they also stay seated and are removed from the auditorium if they begin to fuss loudly.
- For dress rehearsals, just like class, please arrive with enough time to be completely dance ready before for your schedule time slot.
- Dancers should NOT HAVE ON nor BRING: nail polish, temporary tattoos, jewelry (including earrings), food- of ANY kind, or gum.
- Dancers should come to performances with light makeup already applied and leave ALL makeup at home, including lipstick. These can make big messes backstage on costumes, on young "unsupervised" dancers, and in the carpet.
- Light make up is to enhance natural beauty on stage not overwhelm. Lights can flush out dancers. Light make up: natural foundation, blush, mauve lipstick, and natural mascara (NO eye shadow)
- Extra bobby pins, hair clips, safety pins, hair bands, and a few clean QUITE activities (NO MARKERS) can be helpful backstage.
- Parents should drop off dancers backstage (Early Childhood-Ac 3b by entering the right "side door" that is up the long sidewalk; Ac 4 + entering the left "side door" backstage entrance). We do try to have these doors marked. Once in the backstage hallway, look for marked areas where the different classes will "set up camp". Feel free to get your child situated. Parents are not allowed to stay backstage unless they signed up before hand to volunteer backstage; volunteers will have name tags.
- Parents of younger dancers: it is very helpful for you to have your child try using the bathroom and help them get dressed into their costume.
- ALL dancers must stay for the entire performance.
- During intermission: parents are NOT allowed backstage and ALL dancers MUST STAY backstage.
- After the performance is over, any child Early Childhood-Ac 3b MUST be picked up by parent(s)/guardians backstage; please make sure you leave with everything you brought :).
- DO NOT come backstage through the side stairs in the auditorium. Please enter through the backstage doors you dropped your kids off at.
- Traditionally flowers are given to dancers after they perform. We WILL be selling fresh cut flowers this year; 2025.
- Dance performance etiquette is different than orchestra or piano concerts. During dance performances; feel free to clap, hoot, and holler when something moves you. Dancing is hard work and the dancers thrive off of the audience energy!
- EVERYONE must have a ticket to watch any and all performances.
- What is Masterpieces of Ballet and Spring Production?
- For lack of a better word, it is our end of year recital but it is so much more than just a recital. We have professional staging, lights, choreography, and direction; it truly is a show.
- Can I go get my child after they have performed?
- No, for many reasons all dancers must stay backstage throughout the entire performance. Please also know, parents are not allowed backstage except for drop off before and pick up after the performances (unless you have signed up to volunteer backstage).
- Where does all the money go from ticket sales for these shows?
- All money from ticket sales help to fund our production; the rental of the auditorium, backdrops, stage crew, etc. Tickets sales cover less than 50% of the production. The other 50%+ is covered by donations.
- Can I attend without purchasing a ticket?
- Unfortunately, you cannot attend if you do not purchase a ticket. Parents are notified of pre-public sale discounted tickets that are available for RMSA families for 2 weeks before sales are open to the public, after this tickets are full price.
- Will tickets be available at the door?
- Yes, tickets will be available at the door but they will be more $ per ticket. We strongly encourage everyone to purchase online in advance to save time, money, and for best seat choices (once available for purchase): here