RMSA Music will again be offering Summer Piano Lessons 2x a month. Summer is a great time to keep your skills in tune or get a head start for next year!
Who: Lessons are only for CURRENT students who took classes 2023-2024 school year.
What: You can sign up for as many days as you want that fit into your schedule.
When: 2024 Summer Classes will be on 45 min on Tuesdays (& Wednesdays if we get a waitlist). Please understand, during the summer Miss Cynthia also works daily with RMDT's Wild West Spectacular the Musical vocal rehearsals, Wild West young Irma rehearsals, Wild West Dress rehearsals, and accompanies all 40 of the live performances. Be considerate of her schedule she set aside for piano lessons and music camps.
- June 4/5
- NONE June 11 (Music Camp; 8-10 year olds Mon-Th)
- June 18/19
- NONE June 25 (OPENING week of Wild West Spectacular the Musical; Miss Cindi accompanies this LIVE musical all summer)
- NONE July 2 (holiday & WWS has shows daily July 1-4 at 2:00)
- July 9/10
- NONE July 16 (Music Camp; 4/5 year olds, Mon, Tues, Wed)
- July 23/24
- NONE July 30 (Music Camp; 6/7 year olds, Mon, Tues, Wed,- dance on Th-, Fri)
- August 6/7
- August 13/14
Tuition: $30.00 per lesson (unless you are making up classes from this past year)
CURRENT RMSA STUDENTS: Current students enroll into Summer Piano Lessons via the app with a few clicks or by clicking REGISER below which will prompt you to log into your portal via online.
After enrolling into the class; you MUST PURCHASE a Summer Piano Punch Card directly through the studio app that will be used for all summer piano lessons. ANY STUDENTS WANTING TO TAKE SUMMER PIANO LESSONS MUST USE OUR STUDIO PUNCH CARD VIA THE STUDIO APP. Punch cards never expire so if you did not use all the punches last summer, you can use them this summer and any punches you do not use this summer can be used next summer. Once punches are used up, you will need to purchase/reload 4 more punches. $30.00 a lesson/punch; and your card will be loaded with 4 punches/lessons. *PUNCH CARDS WILL ONLY be allowed to be used for summer lessons
Families with multiple piano students can use the same punch card for all students or purchase the "family" card with double the amount of punches so you do not need to refill your punch card as often.
- How to purchase a punch card: open our studio app > click tiny "menu" icon bottom left of home page > click "punch cards" > Activate Summer Piano Punch Card > no- I need to purchase
- If you haven't downloaded our FREE studio app; do so HERE
Questions about the lessons call RMSA's Piano Instructor Cynthia at 307-272-4557 or email [email protected]
Issues with enrollment or purchasing punch card call/text Jen 307-250-5739